NASA Astronaut Jeff Williams To Speak at Brentwood Baptist on Friday


NASA Astronaut Jeff Williams will speak Friday evening at Brentwood Baptist Church to close a week of Vacation Bible School featuring a galactic theme.

The event is open to the public and there is no cost to attend his presentation.

Williams, a native of Wisconsin, has spent 534 days in space on four separate missions, including nearly 32 hours in five spacewalks.

After returning from the International Space Station in September, Williams briefly held the record for most days in space, a record he also held earlier in his career. But Williams’ most recent record was broken in April by astronaut Peggy Whitson, a biochemist currently on a mission. She is expected to have more than 650 days in space at the end of her mission this fall.

Williams is a committed Christian who chronicled his adventures in space and his faith in his 2010 book, The Work of His Hands: A View of God’s Creation from Space. The book features photos he took while on board the International Space Station. Williams said that he came to know God through Scripture, but that being an astronaut helped him reflect on God in a new way.

“The experience did have an impact,” he wrote. “My faith was already established through the objective means of His written Word and its Gospel message. The experience of being on the Space Station only intensified the content of the Word and my response to it as I viewed the work of His fingers (Psalm 8) through the lens of the Bible in a special way.”

Friday’s event at Brentwood Baptist starts at 5 p.m. with a $5 per-person picnic dinner and family fun zone with games and solar telescopes. Williams will speak at 6:30 p.m. There will be more games and a meet and greet with Williams after his presentation.

For more information, visit

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